SONOCEM COMPANY is a Nepal company, incorporated on Tuesday - March 16, 1971, as of today, the company has been operating for 53 years, 10 months, 9 days, SONOCEM COMPANY located on Nepal. Its company status is Unknown. Its business name is SONOCEM COMPANY, browse more information on
Basic Info
- Company Number: 505
- Business Name: SONOCEM COMPANY
- Incorporation Date:
- Remarks: प्राइभेट
- Address: Katmandu
- Website: Website
- Update Time: 2024-07-04
- Q: When was the Nepal Sonocem Company established?
- A: Sonocem Company was founded in 1971.
Company Changes
Time Line of
Sonocem Company
- Tue, 16-Mar-1971 Established
Companies registered on other dates in Nepal
- Tuesday - March 05, 2030 (1) (On this day, 1 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Monday - Feb. 11, 2030 (3) (On this day, 3 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Wednesday - April 28, 2021 (116) (On this day, 116 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Tuesday - April 27, 2021 (148) (On this day, 148 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Monday - April 26, 2021 (140) (On this day, 140 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Sunday - April 25, 2021 (134) (On this day, 134 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Friday - April 23, 2021 (93) (On this day, 93 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Thursday - April 22, 2021 (125) (On this day, 125 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Wednesday - April 21, 2021 (119) (On this day, 119 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Tuesday - April 20, 2021 (81) (On this day, 81 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Monday - April 19, 2021 (79) (On this day, 79 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Sunday - April 18, 2021 (134) (On this day, 134 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Friday - April 16, 2021 (65) (On this day, 65 Nepal companies were registered!)
- Thursday - April 15, 2021 (77) (On this day, 77 Nepal companies were registered!)