Himalayan Garden Retreat

Himalayan Garden Retreat is a Nepal company, incorporated on Wednesday - June 10, 2015, as of today, the company has been operating for 9 years, 3 months, 1 days, Himalayan Garden Retreat located on Nepal. Its company status is Unknown. Its business name is हिमालयन गार्डेन रिट्रीट, browse more information on 996co.com.

Basic Info
  • Company Number: 135921
  • Company Name: Himalayan Garden Retreat
  • Business Name: हिमालयन गार्डेन रिट्रीट
  • Incorporation Date:
  • Remarks: प्राइभेट >> बहुल >> सम्पूर्ण विदेशी स्वामित्व
  • Address: पोखरा उप म.न.पा.-२६,कास्की,गण्डकी
  • Company Description: This is detail infomation of Himalayan Garden Retreat, Himalayan Garden Retreat is a Nepal company, located on Nepal. Its address is पोखरा उप म.न.पा.-२६,कास्की,गण्डकी. Its company status is Unknown. Its business name is हिमालयन गार्डेन रिट्रीट. Browse more information on 996co.com.
  • Company Description: यो हिमालयन गार्डेन रिट्रीटको विस्तृत जानकारी हो, हिमालयन गार्डेन रिट्रीट नेपालमा अवस्थित एउटा नेपाली कम्पनी हो। यसको ठेगाना पोखरा उप-मु.२६, कास्की, गण्डकी हो। यसको कम्पनी स्थिति अज्ञात छ। यसको व्यावसायिक नाम हिमालयन गार्डेन रिट्रीट हो। 996co.com मा थप जानकारी ब्राउज गर्नुहोस्।
  • Update Time: 2023-11-30
  • Q: When was the Nepal Himalayan Garden Retreat established?
  • A: Himalayan Garden Retreat was founded in 2015.