Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog

Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog is a Nepal company, incorporated on Wednesday - Nov. 13, 2013, as of today, the company has been operating for 11 years, 2 months, 3 days, Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog located on Nepal. Its company status is Unknown. Its business name is गौरी शंकर हिमालय पश्मिना उधोग, company type is Private. browse more information on

Basic Info
  • Company Number: 117214
  • Company Name: Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog
  • Business Name: गौरी शंकर हिमालय पश्मिना उधोग
  • Incorporation Date:
  • Company Type: Private
  • Remarks: प्राइभेट >> बहुल
  • Address: का.म.न.पा.-३३,काठमाण्डौ,बाग्मती, Kathmandu
  • City: Kathmandu
  • Website: Website
  • Company Description: This is detail infomation of Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog, Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog is a Nepal company, located on Nepal. Its address is का.म.न.पा.-३३,काठमाण्डौ,बाग्मती, Kathmandu. Its company status is Unknown. Its business name is गौरी शंकर हिमालय पश्मिना उधोग. Company type is Private. Browse more information on
  • Company Description: यो गौरी शंकर हिमालय पस्मिना उद्योगको विस्तृत जानकारी हो, गौरी शंकर हिमालय पस्मिना उद्योग नेपालमा अवस्थित एउटा नेपाली कम्पनी हो। यसको ठेगाना कामनापा-३३,काठमाण्डौ,बाग्मती,काठमाडौं हो। यसको कम्पनी स्थिति अज्ञात छ। यसको व्यावसायिक नाम गौरी शंकर हिमालय पश्मिना उधोग हो। कम्पनीको प्रकार निजी हो। मा थप जानकारी ब्राउज गर्नुहोस्।
  • Update Time: 2023-11-30
  • Q: When was the Nepal Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog established?
  • A: Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog was founded in 2013.
  • Q: What is Nepal company Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog company type?
  • A: Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog company type is Private.
Company Changes
Time Line of Gauri Shankar Himalay Pasmina Udhyog
  • Wed, 13-Nov-2013 Established