SAGUNA CO. LIMITED is a Malta company, incorporated on Friday - Aug. 16, 1991, as of today, the company has been operating for 33 years, 5 months, 8 days, SAGUNA CO. LIMITED located on Malta. Its company status is Struck Off. browse more information on
Basic Info
- Company Number: C 12989
- Company Name: SAGUNA CO. LIMITED
- Company Status: Struck Off
- Incorporation Date:
- Address: 'Ave Maria' Saguna Street, Sannat (Gozo)
- City: Sannat (Gozo)
- Website: Website
- Total Authorised Shares: 3,000 (EUR 6988.12)
- Total Issued Shares: 3,000 (EUR 6988.11)
- Update Time: 2024-07-04
- Q: When was the Malta Saguna Co. Limited established?
- A: Saguna Co. Limited was founded in 1991.
Company Changes
Time Line of
Saguna Co. Limited
- Fri, 16-Aug-1991 Established
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