St. Paul's Childcare and Pre-Learning Centre Limited

St. Paul's Childcare and Pre-Learning Centre Limited is a Malta company, incorporated on Monday - Aug. 30, 2021, as of today, the company has been operating for 3 years, 20 days, St. Paul's Childcare and Pre-Learning Centre Limited located on Malta. Its company status is Unknown. browse more information on

Basic Info
  • Company Number: C 100002
  • Company Name: St. Paul's Childcare and Pre-Learning Centre Limited
  • Incorporation Date:
  • Address: 2, Vila Riviera, Dawret In-Nawfragju, St. Paul's Bay
  • City: St. Paul's Bay
  • Total Authorised Shares: 1,200 (EUR 1200.00)
  • Total Issued Shares: 1,200 (EUR 1200.00)
  • Update Time: 2024-07-04

Secretaries Info

Name Nationality
Donha Marie Muscat; MALTESE

Auditors Info

Name Nationality
RJV Audit Limited;

Judicial Representatives Info

Name Nationality
Donha Marie Muscat; MALTESE

Legal Representatives Info

Name Nationality
Donha Marie Muscat; MALTESE
  • Q: When was the Malta St. Paul's Childcare And Pre-Learning Centre Limited established?
  • A: St. Paul's Childcare And Pre-Learning Centre Limited was founded in 2021.
Company Changes
Time Line of St. Paul's Childcare And Pre-Learning Centre Limited
  • Mon, 30-Aug-2021 Established