Virtual Control Limited

Virtual Control Limited is a Hong Kong company, incorporated on Thursday - Oct. 19, 2017, as of today, the company has been operating for 7 years, 1 months, 19 days, Virtual Control Limited located on Cyberport 3, Cyberport Road, Southern, Hong Kong. Its company status is Live. company type is Private company limited by shares. browse more information on

Basic Info
  • Company Number: 2593606
  • Business Number: 68342535
  • Company Name: Virtual Control Limited
  • Company Status: Live
  • Incorporation Date:
  • Company Type: Private company limited by shares
  • Offices:
    Cyberport 3
  • Street: Cyberport Road
  • District: Southern
  • Area: Hong Kong
  • Website: Website
  • Name History: 19-Oct-2017
    Virtual Control Limited
  • Register of Charges: Available
  • News:

    In pursuance of Sections 4 and 5 of the Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance (Cap. 49)
    Notice is hereby given that Virtual Control Limited whose registered office is at 701 Multifield Plaza, 3 Prat Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (the Transferor) has a division of its business which is carrying on the business of a software and informatics technology platform for analytical testing leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence and including cloud-based solutions, to automate and distribute the analysis of chromatography, spectroscopy and mass spectrometry data (such division of the business, the Business) under the name “Virtual Control Limited” at 701 Multifield Plaza, 3 Prat Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong has agreed, pursuant and subject to an agreement dated 1 February 2022, to transfer the Business together with all the assets including the goodwill of the Business to Agilent Technologies, Inc. whose registered office is at 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95051 (the Transferee).

    Completion of the transfer of the Business will take place on 15 February 2022 (or such later date as the Transferor and the Transferee may agree) (the Completion Date).

    From and after the Completion Date, the Transferee intends to carry on the Business under the name “Agilent Technologies, Inc.” at 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95051.

    All debts, liabilities and outgoings of the Business incurred by the Transferor before the Completion Date shall be borne and paid by the Transferor absolutely.

    Notice is hereby given that at the expiration of one (1) month after the date of the last publication of this notice, the liability of the Transferee (if any) for all the debts and obligations arising out of the carrying on of the Business by the Transferor shall cease by virtue of the Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance unless proceedings are instituted prior to such expiration.

    Dated the 11th day of February 2022.

    Virtual Control Limited

    Agilent Technologies, Inc.

  • Other News:

    依據法例第 49 章《業務轉讓 ( 債權人保障 ) 條例》第 4 條及第 5 條
    茲通知:Virtual Control Limited ( 其註冊辦事處地址為:香港九龍尖沙咀寶勒巷 3 號萬事昌廣場 701 室 ) (「出讓人」),以「Virtual Control Limited 」的名義於香港九龍尖沙咀寶勒巷 3 號萬事昌廣場 701 室經營其業務,其中一部分為經營用於分析測試的軟件和信息技術平台業務,利用機器學習和人工智能 ( 包括基於雲端的解決方案 ) 對色譜、光譜和質譜數據分析進行自動化和分發 ( 該部分業務,為「業務」),已同意根據並受限於日期為 2022 年 2 月 1 日的協議將業務 ( 連同業務的所有資產包括商譽 ) 轉讓予Agilent Technologies, Inc. ( 其註冊辦事處地址為:5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95051) (「承讓人」)。

    業 務 轉 讓 將 於 2022 年 2 月 15 日 ( 或 出 讓 人 與承讓人可能協定的較後日期 ) 完成 (「完成日期」)。

    自 完 成 日 期 起 , 承 讓 人 擬 以 「Agilent Technologies, Inc.」的 名 義 於 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95051 繼 續 經 營業務。


    茲通知:憑藉《業務轉讓 ( 債權人保障 ) 條例》,除非在本通知最後刊登日期後的一 (1) 個月內有人提起法律程序,否則承讓人就出讓人經營業務所產生的全部債項及責任而承擔的法律責任 ( 如有 ) 應在本通知最後刊登日期後的一 (1) 個月後終止。

    日期:2022 年 2 月 11 日

    Virtual Control Limited

    Agilent Technologies, Inc.


  • Update Time: 2024-07-04
News Record
Matter Date
Change of Address of Registered Office 19 Oct, 2023
Share/Share Capital Allotment 11 May, 2023
Company Established 19 Oct, 2017
  • Q: When was the Hong Kong Virtual Control Limited established?
  • A: Virtual Control Limited was founded in 2017.
  • Q: What is Hong Kong company Virtual Control Limited company type?
  • A: Virtual Control Limited company type is Private company limited by shares.
  • Q: Where is the registered address/office address of Hong Kong company Virtual Control Limited?
  • A: Virtual Control Limited office address is Cyberport 3, Cyberport Road, Hong Kong.
Company Changes
Time Line of Virtual Control Limited
  • Thu, 19-Oct-2023 Change of Address of Registered Office
  • Thu, 11-May-2023 Share/Share Capital Allotment
  • Mon, 07-Nov-2022 Change of Company Secretary and Director
  • Thu, 20-Oct-2022 Change of Address of Registered Office
  • Thu, 16-Jun-2022 Change of Company Secretary and Director(Appointment/Cessation)
  • Tue, 19-Apr-2022 Resignation of Company Secretary and Director
  • Thu, 19-Oct-2017 Established