LAPEL TAILOR LIMITED is a Hong Kong company, incorporated on Tuesday - Dec. 16, 2014, the company has been operating for 5 years, 6 months, 3 days from its establishment to its deregistration, LAPEL TAILOR LIMITED located on 96 Wellington St, Hong Kong. Its company status is Dissolved. Its business name is 才俊洋服有限公司, company type is Private company limited by shares. browse more information on

Basic Info
  • Company Number: 2181836
  • Business Number: 64197906
  • Business Name: 才俊洋服有限公司
  • Company Status: Dissolved
  • Incorporation Date:
  • Company Type: Private company limited by shares
  • Risk Information: 996CO note, as stated in Announcement G.N. 197. Pursuant to section 744(3) of the Companies Ordinance, notice is hereby given that unless cause is shown to the contrary, this company will be struck off the Companies Register, and the companies dissolved, at the end of 3 months after the date hereof(Announcement date: January 10, 2020).
  • Remarks: Dissolved by Striking Off
  • Date Issolution: 2020-06-19
  • Street: 96 Wellington St
  • Area: Hong Kong
  • Number of Employees: 7
  • Name History: 16-Dec-2014
  • Register of Charges: Unavailable
  • Company Description: LAPEL TAILOR LIMITED is located in Central District, Hong Kong and is part of the Clothing Stores Industry. LAPEL TAILOR LIMITED has 7 employees at this location and generates 0.8 million in sales (USD).
  • Update Time: 2024-07-04
  • Q: When was the Hong Kong Lapel Tailor Limited established?
  • A: Lapel Tailor Limited was founded in 2014.
  • Q: What is Hong Kong company Lapel Tailor Limited company type?
  • A: Lapel Tailor Limited company type is Private company limited by shares.
  • Q: Does the Hong Kong company Lapel Tailor Limited still exist?
  • A: Lapel Tailor Limited has been cancelled!
Company Changes
Time Line of Lapel Tailor Limited
  • Fri, 19-Jun-2020 Dissolved
  • Tue, 16-Dec-2014 Established