UNION TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED -THE- is a Hong Kong company, incorporated on Wednesday - Dec. 22, 1920, the company has been operating for 84 years, 5 months, 19 days from its establishment to its deregistration, UNION TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED -THE- located on Regency Centre Phase 2, Wong Chuk Hang Road, Southern, Hong Kong. Its company status is Dissolved. Its business name is 捷記洋行有限公司, company type is Private company limited by shares. browse more information on 996co.com.

Basic Info
  • Q: When was the Hong Kong Union Trading Company, Limited -The- established?
  • A: Union Trading Company, Limited -The- was founded in 1920.
  • Q: What is Hong Kong company Union Trading Company, Limited -The- company type?
  • A: Union Trading Company, Limited -The- company type is Private company limited by shares.
  • Q: Does the Hong Kong company Union Trading Company, Limited -The- still exist?
  • A: Union Trading Company, Limited -The- has been cancelled!
  • Q: Where is the registered address/office address of Hong Kong company Union Trading Company, Limited -The-?
  • A: Union Trading Company, Limited -The- office address is Regency Centre Phase 2, Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong.
  • Q: What was Hong Kong company Union Trading Company, Limited -The- previous name?
  • A: Union Trading Company, Limited -The- changed its company name 1 times, this company was established on 22 December, 1920, and the registered name is UNION TRADING COMPANY, changed its name to UNION TRADING COMPANY on 07 April, 1994.
Company Changes
Time Line of Union Trading Company, Limited -The-
  • Fri, 10-Jun-2005 Dissolved
  • Wed, 22-Dec-1920 Established