SOUTH CHINA DEVELOPMENT SYNDICATE LIMITED is a Hong Kong company, incorporated on Thursday - July 15, 1920, the company has been operating for 7 years, 8 months, 29 days from its establishment to its deregistration, SOUTH CHINA DEVELOPMENT SYNDICATE LIMITED located on Hong Kong. Its company status is Dissolved. company type is Private company limited by shares. browse more information on

Basic Info
  • Q: When was the Hong Kong South China Development Syndicate Limited established?
  • A: South China Development Syndicate Limited was founded in 1920.
  • Q: What is Hong Kong company South China Development Syndicate Limited company type?
  • A: South China Development Syndicate Limited company type is Private company limited by shares.
  • Q: Does the Hong Kong company South China Development Syndicate Limited still exist?
  • A: South China Development Syndicate Limited has been cancelled!