UNITED ASBESTO ORIENTAL AGENCY LTD -THE- is a Hong Kong company, incorporated on Friday - May 29, 1896, the company has been operating for 40 years, 13 days from its establishment to its deregistration, UNITED ASBESTO ORIENTAL AGENCY LTD -THE- located on Hong Kong. Its company status is Dissolved. company type is Private company limited by shares. browse more information on 996co.com.

Basic Info
  • Q: When was the Hong Kong United Asbesto Oriental Agency Ltd -The- established?
  • A: United Asbesto Oriental Agency Ltd -The- was founded in 1896.
  • Q: What is Hong Kong company United Asbesto Oriental Agency Ltd -The- company type?
  • A: United Asbesto Oriental Agency Ltd -The- company type is Private company limited by shares.
  • Q: Does the Hong Kong company United Asbesto Oriental Agency Ltd -The- still exist?
  • A: United Asbesto Oriental Agency Ltd -The- has been cancelled!