Tianbao Things Cloud Sharing Co., Limited is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), company number is 2459033, registered address is RM 1605C HO KING COMM CTR 2-16 FA YUEN ST MONGKOK KLN, HONG KONG. Its email is [email protected]. Its business number is 66986476.
In our records, Tianbao Things Cloud Sharing Co., Limited changed its secretary 1 times, first secretary is CHINA KIMFONE BUSINESS LIMITED, address is RM 1605C HO KING COMM CTR 2-16 FA YUEN ST MONGKOK KLN, HONG KONG, now the secretary is HONG KONG VFON BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED (ID 1403334), appointed on April 8, 2018, telephone number is 6158 8111, fax number is 6991 7688, address is RM 1605A HO KING COMM CTR 2-16 FA YUEN ST MONGKOK KLN, HONG KONG.
Tianbao Things Cloud Sharing Co., Limited has 2 founders, namely DUAN MIMI, address is Zhongwangjiao Village, Niucheng Township, Lingshou County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China, owns 5,200 shares of the company, WEI, RIHOU, address is Xiebao Village, Liujing Town, Beiliu City, Guangxi, China, owns 4,800 shares of the company.
Tianbao Things Cloud Sharing Co., Limited has 2 first directors, namely DUAN MIMI, address is Zhongwangjiao Village, Niucheng Township, Lingshou County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China, WEI, RIHOU, Xiebao Village, Liujing Town, Beiliu City, Guangxi, China.
Tianbao Things Cloud Sharing Co., Limited now has 1 shareholder, named 韋日厚WEI, RIHOU (Address: Xiebao Village, Liujing Town, Beiliu City, Guangxi, China), owns 10,000 shares of the company.
Tianbao Things Cloud Sharing Co., Limited has 1 current directors, namely WEI, RIHOU.