GRAND SUCCEED GROUP LIMITED is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), company number is 1771714, registered address is WORKSHOP 60, 3/F, BLOCK A, EAST SUN INDUSTRIAL CENTRE NO.16 SHING YIP STREET KOWLOON, HONG KONG(changed on July 14, 2020), former address is UNIT 01D, 10/F CARNIVAL COMM BLDG 18 JAVA RD NORTH POINT, HONG KONG. Its business number is 60073683.
In our records, GRAND SUCCEED GROUP LIMITED changed its secretary 1 times, first secretary is TOPFUL CONSULTANTS CO., LIMITED , address is UNIT 01, 10/F CARNIVAL COMM BLDG 18 JAVA RD NORTH POINT, HONG KONG, now the secretary is TOPFUL CONSULTANTS CO., LIMITED (ID 1358835), appointed on July 11, 2012, telephone number is 2578 5898, fax number is 2578 6896, address is UNIT 01, 10/F CARNIVAL COMM BLDG 18 JAVA RD NORTH POINT, HONG KONG.
GRAND SUCCEED GROUP LIMITED has 1 founders, namely LU HUA, address is Huarong Road, Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China, owns 10,000 shares of the company.
GRAND SUCCEED GROUP LIMITED has 1 first directors, namely LU HUA, address is Huarong Road, Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China.
GRAND SUCCEED GROUP LIMITED now has 1 shareholder, named 徐煜XU, YU (Address: 中國福建省漳州市薌城區草寮街132號 ), owns 10,000 shares of the company(盧華於2019年8月20號轉讓10,000給徐煜).
GRAND SUCCEED GROUP LIMITED has 1 current directors, namely XU, YU.