Regencell Bioscience Limited

    Regencell Bioscience Limited is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), registered address is 11/F, FIRST COMMERCIAL BUILDING 33-35 LEIGHTON ROAD CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG(changed on May 4, 2020), former address is 21/F., EIB Tower, 4-6 Morrison Hill Road, Wanchai. Its telephone number is 2155 0823. Its fax number is 2155 0853.

    In our records, Regencell Bioscience Limited changed its secretary 1 times, first secretary is ARIES NOMINEES LIMITED, telephone number is 2838 3588, fax number is 2572 7115, address is 26/F., Shun Feng Internation Centre, 182 Queen's Rd E, Wan Chai, now the secretary is HASSANG ANTONIA ROSE(ID XD691**0), appointed on December 8, 2015, address is 3RD FLOOR 3C WANG FUNG TERRACE TAI HANG, HONG KONG.

    Regencell Bioscience Limited has 1 founders, namely REGENCELL HOLDINGS LIMITED, address is The Offices of Avalon Trust & Corporate Services Ltd. 1st Floor, Landmark Square, 64 Earth Close, P.O. Box 715, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1107, Cayman Islands, owns 1,000 shares of the company.

    Regencell Bioscience Limited has 1 first directors, namely AU Yat-Gai, address is Shu Tak Building,  22-30 Tai Wong Street East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, ID is P689**6, Passport is KJ0053**1.

    Regencell Bioscience Limited now has 1 shareholder, named REGENCELL BIOSCIENCE HOLDINGS LIMITED, address is The Offices of Avalon Trust & Corporate Services Ltd. 1st Floor, Landmark Square, 64 Earth Close, P.O. Box 715, George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1107, Cayman Islands, owns 1,000 shares of the company.
    Regencell Bioscience Limited has 2 current directors, namely AU, YAT GAI and CHUNG, WAI HONG JAMES.