Quintus Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited

    Quintus Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), registered address is ROOM 1704A, TOWER 2 ADMIRALTY CENTRE 18 HARCOURT ROAD, HONG KONG. Its business number is 36838582.

    In our records, Quintus Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited changed its secretary 1 times, first secretary is TRICOR CORPORATE SECRETARY LIMITED, email is [email protected], address is LEVEL 28, THREE PACIFIC PLACE, 1 QUEEN'S ROAD EAST, HONG KONG, now the secretary(corporate body) is SERVCO LIMITED (ID 0939621), appointed on September 15, 2006, telephone number is 3793 1083, fax number is 3793 1095.

    Quintus Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited has 1 founders, namely FORTRA OVERSEAS SERVICES INC., address is East Asia Chambers, P.O.Box 901, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin lslands, owns 1 shares of the company.

    Quintus Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited has 2 first directors, namely MA WAI YEE, address is TOWER 1, KORNVILLE, 38 YAU MAN STREET, QUARRY BAY, HONG KONG, SHING HON KIT, 108 SAINT BOTOLPH STREET, BOSTON, MA02116-4818, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    Quintus Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited now has 1 shareholder, named Valor Global Limited, address is 2/F, Palm Grove House, Wickhams Cay, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin lslands, owns 1 shares of the company.
    Quintus Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited has 2 current directors, namely LEE, MIN CHEN BARRY , LIN, TZU CHI.

    LEE, MIN CHEN BARRY, Taiwan residents, with a residential address of Apt 6F #241 Min Shen East Road Section 5 Taipei Taiwan 105. There are a total of 1 Hong Kong companies whose directors in Hong Kong is named LEE, MIN CHEN BARRY.
    LIN, TZU CHI, Taiwan residents, with a residential address of Rue Berlim No.102, FL.11, X11 Tai Fung Plaza-Choi-Fung Macau. There are a total of 7 Hong Kong companies whose directors in Hong Kong named LIN, TZU CHI. The 6 possible companies: BRILLIANT VIEW HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED(2369514),GO TASTE FOOD COMPANY LIMITED(3073647),TERN SPORTSWEAR (PTY) LIMITED(1268334),HONG KONG KISAKI BIOTECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED(2711541),Hong Kong Medical Salons Limited -The-(2178655),HONG KONG CODIOR TRADING CO., LIMITED(1768037).