Right Choice Research Institute Limited is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), registered address is ROOM 1002, 10/F, EASEY COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 253-261 HENNESSY ROAD, WAN CHAI, HONG KONG(changed on October 15, 2019), former address is ROOM 1501 GRAND MILLENNIUM PLAZA(LOWER BLOCK) 181 QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL HK. Its telephone number is 21527388. Its business number is 69967283.
In our records, Right Choice Research Institute Limited changed its secretary 1 times, first secretary is BAILILAI INTERNATIONAL GROUP (HK) LIMITED, email is [email protected], address is ROOM 1501 GRAND MILLENNIUM PLAZA(LOWER BLOCK) 181 QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL HK, now the secretary(corporate body) is HONG KONG ZHUOXIN ACCOUNTANTS & SECRETARIES LIMITED(ID 2833028), appointed on October 15, 2019, telephone number is 30623366, fax number is 37584101.
Right Choice Research Institute Limited has 2 founders, namely CHEN, NI, address is 中國北京市通州區晟世家園68號樓, owns 6,000 shares of the company, CUI JIAXING, address is 中國河北省遷安市遷安鎮崔莊村, owns 4,000 shares of the company.
Right Choice Research Institute Limited has 1 first directors, namely CHEN, NI, address is 中國北京市通州區晟世家園68號樓.
Right Choice Research Institute Limited now has 2 shareholder named CHEN, NI, address is 中國北京市通州區晟世家園68號樓, owns 6,000 shares of the company, CUI JIAXING, address is 中國河北省遷安市遷安鎮崔莊村, owns 4,000 shares of the company.
Right Choice Research Institute Limited has 1 current directors, namely CHEN, NI.
CHEN, NI, female, born on August 6, 1993, 28 years old, the original domicile is Dengzhou City, Nanyang City, Henan Province, China. There are a total of 11 Hong Kong companies whose directors in Hong Kong named CHEN, NI.