NOTICE - Messrs. Ronald Tong & Co

NOTICE is hereby given to all persons (“Claimants”) who wish to assert a claim (“Claim”) to monies held in the bank accounts of the above firm (“Monies”) (which was the subject of a resolution of the Council of The Law Society of Hong Kong (“the Council”) pursuant to Section 26A of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap. 159) to intervene in the practice of the above firm) to formally register their Claim as follows:—

(1) to obtain the statement of truth and declaration form from the reception of the Intervention Agent appointed by the Council, Messrs. Ronald Tong & Co (office address: Room 501, 5/F., Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Hong Kong); and
(2) to complete the statement of truth and make a declaration in the declaration form in accordance with the Notes attached to them and submit them together with all documentary evidence by post to the Intervention Agent at Room 501, 5/F., Sun Hung Kai Centre, 30 Harbour Road, Hong Kong on or before 13 June 2022.

Take notice that all Claimants must complete and submit the statement of truth and declaration form, otherwise they will be excluded from the benefit of any distribution of the Monies or any other monies available for distribution.

For the avoidance of doubt, it should be noted that the Claimants may not be able to recover their Claims, whether in part or in full, even after having complied with this notice to formally register their Claims.

Dated the 13th day of May 2022.
Messrs. Ronald Tong & Co
Room 501, 5/F., Sun Hung Kai Centre,  30 Harbour Road, Hong Kong
Intervention Agent duly appointed by The Council of The Law Society of Hong Kong.