NOTICE is hereby given that LAM CHUN HO (林俊豪) of Room 303, On Yan House, Block 1 Tsz On Court, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon, Hong Kong (hereinafter called “the Transferor”) carrying on tutorial centre business under the style or firm name of “IVANA TUTORIAL CENTRE (智慧補習中心) (hereinafter called “the said Business”) at Ground Floor, No. 135A Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon, Hong Kong (also known as Shop No. 7, Lower Ground Floor, Che Cheung Building, No. 135A Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon, Hong Kong (hereinafter called “the Business Premises”) has agreed to transfer the goodwill of the said Business together with the fixtures and fittings, tools of trade, equipment and electrical appliances (except photocopier(s)), teaching materials and all other assets in or upon the Business Premises to WLWT Company Limited (Company No. 3119856) whose registered office is situated at Unit 1003, 10/F., Tower 2, Silvercord, 30 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong (hereinafter called “the Transferee”).

The agreement for transfer of the said Business was signed on 13 April 2022 (“the said date”) at the office of Messrs. Kenneth C.C. Man & Company, solicitors for the Transferee.

The Transferee intends to continue carrying on the said Business at the Business Premises under the name of “IVANA TUTORIAL CENTRE (智慧補習中心)”.

All debts and liabilities and all other outgoings incurred by the Transferor in connection with the said Business on or before the said date shall be paid and borne by the Transferor absolutely.

Notice is hereby given that at the expiration of one month after the date of publication of this notice, the liability of the Transferee for all the debts and obligations arising out of the carrying on of the said Business by the Transferor shall cease under the Ordinance unless proceedings are instituted prior to such expiration.

Dated the 29th day of April 2022

The Transferor

Messrs. Kenneth C.C. Man & Co.
Solicitors for the Transferee
Rooms 71–76, 7/F., New Henry House, 10 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong