SBBC Thai Investment Limited is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), company number is 2838779, registered address is Block A-H, 11/F., Ka Ming Court, 690 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Its telephone number is 2746 5312.
In our records, SBBC Thai Investment Limited changed its secretary 1 times, now the secretary is Lau Mun Yin Emily(ID G052**2), telephone number is 2746 5312, fax number is 3927 9724, address is 11/F., Gallant Court, 240-246 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon Hong Kong.
SBBC Thai Investment Limited now has 3 shareholder, named Lau Mun Chee Angela(HONG KONG ID: G052**3), Lau Mun Yin Emily(HONG KONG ID: G052**2) and Yao Christina(HONG KONG ID: D465**5), Jointly owned by Lau Mun Chee Angela, Lau Mun Yin Emily and Yao Christina, btw, B. & MCK. NOMINEES LIMITED T/T 1 Shares to Lau Mun Chee Angela, Lau Mun Yin Emily and Yao Christina on 11 Jun 2019.
SBBC Thai Investment Limited has 1 current directors, namely Lau Mun Chee Angela(HONG KONG ID: G052**3), Lau Mun Yin Emily(HONG KONG ID: G052**2) and Yao Christina(HONG KONG ID: D465**5).