PACIFICA Leather & Commodities Limited

    PACIFICA Leather & Commodities Limited is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), company number is 1998464, registered address is 19/F., SEAVIEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 21-24 CONNAUGHT ROAD WEST, HONG KONG(changed on January 20, 2017), former address is Flat 103, Finance Building, 254-256 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong.

    In our records, PACIFICA Leather & Commodities Limited changed its secretary 1 times, now the secretary is MAYEE MANAGEMENT LIMITED(ID 0039244), appointed on November 18, 2013, telephone number is 2815 9988, fax number is 2581 0384, address is 19/F., Seaview Commercial Building, 21-24 Connaught Road West, Hong Kong.

    PACIFICA Leather & Commodities Limited has 1 founders, namely VICTON SERVICES LIMITED 偉通服務有限公司, address is Palm Grove House, P.O.Box 438, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands, owns 1 shares of the company.

    PACIFICA Leather & Commodities Limited has 1 first directors, namely VICTON OFFICERS LIMITED 偉通管理人有限公司, address is Palm Grove House, P.O.Box 438, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.

    PACIFICA Leather & Commodities Limited now has 1 shareholder, named QUIROGA, ROBERTO ARMANDO, address is Block 9, Sai Sha Villa, 128 Sai Sha Road, Nai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong, owns 4 shares of the company.
    PACIFICA Leather & Commodities Limited has 1 current directors, namely QUIROGA, EZEQUIEL ALEJANDRO, ARGENTINA ID is AAA245**0, ROBERTO ARMANDO, Hong Kong ID is P609**4.