Uniques Digital Game Limited is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), company number is 1970302, registered address is Room 521, 5th Floor, Tin Long House, Tin Ping Estate, Sheung Shui, New Territories, Hong Kong(changed on November 11, 2015). Its email is [email protected] / [email protected](TANG, HUNG KIN).
In our records, Uniques Digital Game Limited changed its secretary 1 times, now the secretary is WU, SING HO(ID Y203**0), appointed on September 21, 2013, telephone number is (852)65794915, email is [email protected], address is 香港大埔運頭塘邨運亨樓7樓722.
Uniques Digital Game Limited has 2 founders, namely TANG, HUNG KIN, address is 香港新界上水天平村天朗5樓, owns 5,250 shares of the company, WU, SING HO, address is 香港大埔運頭塘邨運亨樓7樓, owns 4,750 shares of the company.
Uniques Digital Game Limited has 1 first directors, namely TANG, HUNG KIN(Alias: Mark), address is 香港新界上水天平村天朗5樓.
Uniques Digital Game Limited now has 3 shareholder, named TANG, HUNG KIN, address is 香港新界上水天平村天朗5樓, owns 62,857 shares of the company, WU, SING HO, address is 香港大埔運頭塘邨運亨樓7樓, owns 11,429 shares of the company, ZEN-GAME (HONG KONG) LIMITED, address is 香港紅磡海逸豪園22座7樓C室, owns 40,000 shares of the company.
Uniques Digital Game Limited has 3 current directors, namely TANG, HUNG KIN, WU, SING HO, ZEN-GAME (HONG KONG) LIMITED.