Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited is a Hong Kong company(Private Company Limited by Shares), company number is 2861913, registered address is 15/F CHUANG'S TOWER 30-32 CONNAUGHT RD CENTRAL CENTRAL, HONG KONG. Its business number is 71052321.
In our records, Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited changed its secretary 1 times, now the secretary is GOLDEN CHINA CONSULTANTS LIMITED (ID 0662723), appointed on August 9, 2019, telephone number is 3752 8848, fax number is 3752 8818, address is 15/F CHUANG'S TOWER 30-32 CONNAUGHT RD CENTRAL CENTRAL, HONG KONG.
Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited has 3 founders, namely WU, GUIKUN, address is No.1, Yundang Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, owns 340,000 shares of the company, LI, JIAWANG, address is No.163 Dongping Erli, Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province China, owns 330,000 shares of the company, CAI, YUQIANG, address is No.4 Huxin Yili, Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province China, owns 330,000 shares of the company.
Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited has 3 first directors, namely WU, GUIKUN, LI, JIAWANG, CAI, YUQIANG.
Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited now has 3 shareholder, named 吳桂坤 WU, GUIKUN (Address: No.1, Yundang Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China), 李加旺 LI, JIAWANG (Address: No.163 Dongping Erli, Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province China), 蔡雨強 CAI, YUQIANG (Address: No.4 Huxin Yili, Huli District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province China).
Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited has 1 current directors, namely WU, GUIKUN, LI, JIAWANG, CAI, YUQIANG.
CAI, YUQIANG, female, born on November 24, 1989, 31 years old, the original domicile is Fu'an City, Ningde District, Fujian Province, China. As of today, CAI, YUQIANG, director of Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited, has 1 Hong Kong company.
LI, JIAWANG, Male, born on July 2, 1975, 46 years old, the original domicile is Shaowu City, Nanping Region, Fujian Province, China. As of today, LI, JIAWANG, director of Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited, has 1 Hong Kong company.
WU, GUIKUN, Male, born on February 26, 1977, 44 years old, the original domicile is Zhao'an County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, China. As of today, WU, GUIKUN, director of Hong Kong Joint Venture Investment Company Limited, has 1 Hong Kong company.