United Arab Emirates Company Established in 1963-01-01
This is a list of United Arab Emirates companies that were founded on 1963-01-01, click the company name to browse more information by free.
- الحلاق هرجي وان سامجي
- ABDULLAH ABDOUL KADER TRANSPORT L.L.C عبدالله عبدالقادر للنقليات ش.ذ.م.م
- KHALIKOOR RAHMAN TAILOR الخياط خليكور رحمان
- AL MUSHTARAK BAKERY خباز المشترك
- النجار عظيم
- DIAMOND PALACE TAILORING دايموند بالاس للخياطة
- UNIQUE MOVE INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTING L.L.C يونيك موف انترناشيونال للمقاولات ش.ذ.م.م
- AL LAMSA AL AJEEBA TRADING L.L.C اللمسه العجيبه للتجاره ش.ذ.م.م
- JASIM AL SAFAR TRADING L.L.C جاسم الصفار للتجارة ش.ذ.م.م
- MAQBOOL WOOD SHOP محل مقبول للاخشاب
- SAIF MOHD MOSABEH BELQAIZI STALL عربة سيف محمد مصبح بالقيزي
- BIN ZAYED WORKSHOP ورشة بن زايد
- FALCON OFFICE EQUIPMENT REPARING الصقر لتصليح الآلات المكتبية
Companies registered on other dates in United Arab Emirates
- Tuesday - Nov. 30, 2021 (7) (On this day, 7 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Monday - Nov. 29, 2021 (9) (On this day, 9 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Sunday - Nov. 28, 2021 (3) (On this day, 3 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Saturday - Nov. 27, 2021 (3) (On this day, 3 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Thursday - Nov. 25, 2021 (6) (On this day, 6 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Wednesday - Nov. 24, 2021 (9) (On this day, 9 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Tuesday - Nov. 23, 2021 (15) (On this day, 15 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Monday - Nov. 22, 2021 (14) (On this day, 14 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Sunday - Nov. 21, 2021 (18) (On this day, 18 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Saturday - Nov. 20, 2021 (2) (On this day, 2 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Thursday - Nov. 18, 2021 (11) (On this day, 11 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Wednesday - Nov. 17, 2021 (19) (On this day, 19 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Tuesday - Nov. 16, 2021 (10) (On this day, 10 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Monday - Nov. 15, 2021 (11) (On this day, 11 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Sunday - Nov. 14, 2021 (12) (On this day, 12 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Saturday - Nov. 13, 2021 (2) (On this day, 2 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Thursday - Nov. 11, 2021 (16) (On this day, 16 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Wednesday - Nov. 10, 2021 (9) (On this day, 9 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)
- Tuesday - Nov. 09, 2021 (16) (On this day, 16 United Arab Emirates companies were registered!)